Transportation and Logistics
Working with automobile technology, you work with car repair, carry out vehicle inspections and you also have a close contact to customers. You will need to keep up to date with technological developments as modern cars become more and more complex.
The program teaches you how to adjust engines, brakes and steering, as well as how to find and fix faults in the car’s electrical and electronic systems. You can get jobs at auto repair businesses and dealerships. You can also become self-employed or further your education to become a mechanical engineer or master mechanic.
Working with heavy vehicle technology, you will be able to maintain and repair agricultural and construction machinery, playing a key role in agriculture and construction. The profession includes a wide range of skills, as heavy vehicles are characterized by a high degree of complexity. In addition, you will become familiar with the latest technology such as drones, GPS and other technical equipment for field use.
The work is often not carried out in an auto workshop, but ‘on-site’ – and often under time pressure to avoid that the vehicle is standing still longer than necessary.
A truck and bus mechanic works with mechanical, electrical and hydraulic systems on all types of heavy vehicles such as trucks, buses, trailers and trains. With skills such as overview and attention to detail, you can do everything from troubleshooting to repairing and adjusting everything from brakes to air conditioning. As a truck and mechanic, you can, for example, get jobs at workshops and dealerships. You can also become self-employed or study further to become a mechanical engineer or automotive technologist.
See you in Herning!

EuroSkills Herning 2025