
At EuroSkills Herning 2025, we will build 38 competition stands, manage up to 100,000 visitors, and put up a sea of signs. The question is: do you have volunteer skills – and would you like to help keep things running smoothly at Denmark’s biggest education event?

If so, sign up as a volunteer here on this page.

Sign up as a volunteer for EuroSkills Herning 2025

Our official registration system will open very soon. Until then, you can send an email to volunteer@euroskills2025.com – and we’ll make sure you receive an email when the registration system opens.

No volunteers, no EuroSkills Herning 2025

“If we don’t have volunteers, we don’t have an event. EuroSkills Herning 2025 – Europe’s Championship for young skilled professional – will be Denmark’s largest educational event. We’ll host 38 competitions, 600 participants from across Europe, and up to 100,000 visitors over three Competition days. It’s going to be massive, and to make it all work, we need dedicated volunteers.  


At EuroSkills 2025, we have a principle: Everyone should leave the event with new skills and knowledge – including our volunteers. You might learn how to build a grandstand or gain new insights into the accreditation systems that you can use in your next job. That’s why I’m so excited to meet you and include you as a vital part of this huge event we’ll create together in September 2025.”

– Mathilde Wadsholt Madsen, Volunteer Coordinator, EuroSkills 2025.

What to Expect as a Volunteer

As a volunteer, you will be part of either a small or large team, depending on the task you are assigned. You will never have to work alone but will always be in groups or pairs. Additionally, you will receive volunteer clothing and catering during your shift.

The tasks available for volunteers cover a wide range of areas. To give a clear overview, we have categorized them into different types. However, this is not an exhaustive list, and as a volunteer, you may be assigned various other tasks beyond those mentioned here:

  • Practical tasks: Ceremony runners, sign installation, and cloakroom assistance.
  • Hospitality tasks: Guides, info desk staff, and Team Attachés.
  • Setup tasks: Building competition stands, setting up computers, and painting.

Some tasks require specific professional experience. When you sign up, we will not only ask about your areas of interest in relation to volunteer work but also about your professional skills so we can match you with the most suitable volunteer role.

Questions Other Volunteers Asked

Q: How do I register as a volunteer?
A: In February 2025, our official registration system will open, and you’ll be able to register through an app. Until then, you can email volunteer@euroskills2025.com to ensure you receive a notification when registration opens.
Q: How much do I need to work as a volunteer?

A: You must take a minimum of two shifts, which corresponds to approximately 8-16 hours of volunteer work. Of course, you are welcome to take as many shifts as you like.

Q: When will I work as a volunteer?
A: Volunteer shifts are available before, during, and after the Competition days. This means you can volunteer for EuroSkills Herning 2025 from September 1 to September 18, 2025. Certain tasks may start earlier.
Q: What’s the age requirement for volunteers?
A: You must be at least 15 years old to sign up as a volunteer. However, don’t hesitate to contact us, as some tasks may have exceptions to the age requirement.
Q: Where do I report for volunteer duty?
A: EuroSkills Herning 2025 will take place at MCH Messecenter Herning and Jyske Bank Boxen. Some shifts will be in Herning Centrum and Skills Village (Lalandia Billund).
Q: Will I get meals during my shifts?
A: Yes, you’ll receive a meal, snacks, and beverages during your volunteer shift.
Q: Will I receive clothing?
A: Yes, you’ll be provided with clothing appropriate for your role. We’ll ask for your clothing size when you register.


For questions about volunteering, email volunteer@euroskills2025.com, and our Volunteer Coordinator, Mathilde, will respond.

See you in Herning!

EuroSkills Herning 2025